Start Up the Science is a podcast where INAM sits down with scientists and entrepreneurs to talk about how they've brought their innovative ideas out of the lab and turned them into thriving deep tech startups. Listen Here.
We love science. But sometimes it's hard to understand.
In our day to day jobs at INAM, we find ourselves scratching our heads on a daily basis trying to make heads or tails of the latest, most innovative technologies. However, sometimes we have what we like to call "lightbulb moments."
Lightbulb moments happen when the technical aspects of technologies are explained in such a way that we, the non-scientists, can understand it! And that was our motivation for starting this podcast.
We want to help scientists and scientific startups communicate their technology effectively so that they can create lightbulb moments for everyone listening. We believe that with every lightbulb we flick on, we are shedding more light on science and its relevance to our societiey, communities and beyond!

In our startup stories, we chat with entreprenuers, innovators and scientists about how they took their ideas out of the lab and turned them in startups.
Our expert episodes features experts in fields like IP Protection, Business Development, Scale Up Strategies, etc.
Investor Insights are a platform for leading investors in the deeptech space to discuss crucial topics regarding startup investment such as due dilligence, pitching, strategy, etc.